World of Smash Bros Lawl Wiki



AVGN pops out of the NinToaster, and says, "I'm a freaking nerd!

Special Attacks[]

Neutral B -F Bomb[]

AVGN spits out an F-Bomb from his mouth, both verbally and literally, doing 12% to opponents with the explosion. During the explosion, opponents can take 4% damage from the after flames of the explosion. If the control stick is pointed downward before the Nerd curses, the bomb drops on the ground and takes longer to explode until someone touches it. The bomb has a limited range. Electric Nightmare can control placed F-Bombs.

The AVGN drops literal F-bombs in the third part of his Philips CD-I review.

Side B - Pens[]

The Nerd tosses a pen. It travels farther than an F-Bomb, but it does less damage.

Up B - Nintenerd[]

The Nerd dons his Nintendo suit from his Super Mario Bros. 3 review and flies upward. He can cancel the flight after 2 seconds or when B is pressed. In midair, the Nerd can fire his Super Scope by pressing A.

Role In The Subspace Emissary[]

The AVGN appears in Real City, where he waits for the Nostalgia Critic to arrive at the Nerd's house to fight. The AVGN wins the battle, and both the Nerd and Critic have an insult-off, until the Irate Gamer arrives and trophies the AVGN. NC drives Irate Gamer off using his 6 mm pistol. Seeing that he needs to make an escape, Irate Gamer summons the Game Genie from n SNES cartridge to stall for time. He then travels across the region with AVGN'sgraophitized body, dodging the pursuit of Nostalgia Critic and his new allies...




Smash Bros Lawl Character Moveset - AVGN

AVGN's Moveset
