World of Smash Bros Lawl Wiki
The Tower of Minion
The Tower of Minion
Game/Other Media World of Lawl RPG
Appearance Lawl with Garterbelt 4 (Final Boss Stage)
Size Large
Availability Unlockable

This is the Final Boss Stage in Lawl with Garterbelt 4. It is the home of Minion (and New Minion)


This is the Tower where Minion is freed from hell (Tomoki Sakurai in another timeline). The Tower was built during Minion Power Increasing from the war between many. The battle takes place inside the tower. Every know then the portal will change the stage into a hell version.




Kruel KO[]

Who ever fall off the Tower will suffer a long fall, splating at the bottom, Leaving a blood puddle. This is almost identical to The Balcony from Smash Bros. Lawl.


The Portal in the background show what the stage will look like in hell version. Much like Omega forms from SSB4.


  • This Tower was in both timeline in World of Lawl RPG. But the Minion destroyed the Tower after his release, while in the Alt. Timeline, New Minion appear without breaking it.